Analyses with Dadi#

Below we provide code and parameter descriptions for the implementation of each of the demographic models we tested using dadi. Each of the models assumes the that the dadi Python module has been imported. All input parameters are also assumed to be scaled in dadi units (typically a multiple of the reference population size \(N_{ref}\)).

Demographic model for allotetraploid.#
def allotetraploid_iso(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nu,T)
    ns = (n1,) number of chromosomes sampled from polyploid population
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration

    nu: Size of populations after split.
    T: Time in the past of split (in units of 2*Nref generations)
    nu,T = params

    # The number of chromosomes sampled from the two modeled subgenomes
    # Needs to sum to ``ns``
    new_ns = [int(ns[0]/2),int(ns[0]/2)]

    xx = dadi.Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)

    phi = dadi.Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T, nu, nu)

    fs_2D = dadi.Spectrum.from_phi(
        phi, new_ns, (xx,xx), pop_ids=['sub1','sub2']
    fs_1D = fs_2D.combine_pops([1,2])
    return fs_1D
Demographic model for allotetraploid with bottleneck.#
def allotetraploid_bottleneck(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nu0,nuBot,T1,T2)
    ns = (n1,) number of chromosomes sampled from polyploid population
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration

    nu0: Size of populations after split.
    nuBot: Size of populations after bottleneck.
    T1: Time in the past between split and polyploid formation
        (in units of 2*Nref generations)
    T2: Time since polyploid formation and bottleneck
    nu0,nuBot,T1,T2 = params

    # The number of chromosomes sampled from the two modeled subgenomes
    # Needs to sum to ``ns``
    new_ns = [int(ns[0]/2),int(ns[0]/2)]

    xx = dadi.Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)

    phi = dadi.Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T1, nu0, nu0)

    # Instantaneous bottleneck starting at time T2 in the past
    phi = dadi.Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T2, nuBot, nuBot)

    fs_2D = dadi.Spectrum.from_phi(
        phi, new_ns, (xx,xx), pop_ids=['sub1','sub2']
    fs_1D = fs_2D.combine_pops([1,2])
    return fs_1D
Demographic model for segmental allotetraploid.#
def segtetraploid_iso(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nu,T1,T2,eij)
    ns = (n1,) number of chromosomes sampled from polyploid population
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration

    nu: Size of populations after split.
    T1: Time in the past between split and polyploid formation
        (in units of 2*Nref generations)
    T2: Time since polyploid formation and bottleneck
    eij: homoeologous exchange rate
    nu,T1,T2,eij = params

    # The number of chromosomes sampled from the two modeled subgenomes
    # Needs to sum to ``ns``
    new_ns = [int(ns[0]/2),int(ns[0]/2)]

    xx = dadi.Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)

    phi = dadi.Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T1, nu, nu)
    phi = dadi.Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T2, nu, nu, m12=eij, m21=eij)

    fs_2D = dadi.Spectrum.from_phi(
        phi, new_ns, (xx,xx), pop_ids=['sub1','sub2']
    fs_1D = fs_2D.combine_pops([1,2])
    return fs_1D
Demographic model for segmental allotetraploid with bottleneck.#
def segtetraploid_bottleneck(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nu,nuBot,T1,T2,eij)
    ns = (n1,) number of chromosomes sampled from polyploid population
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration

    nu: Size of populations after split.
    nuBot: Size of populations after bottleneck
    T1: Time in the past between split and polyploid formation
        (in units of 2*Nref generations)
    T2: Time since polyploid formation and bottleneck
    n1,n2: Sample sizes of resulting Spectrum
    eij: homoeologous exchange rate
    nu,nuBot,T1,T2,eij = params

    # The number of chromosomes sampled from the two modeled subgenomes
    # Needs to sum to ``ns``
    new_ns = [int(ns[0]/2),int(ns[0]/2)]

    xx = dadi.Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = dadi.PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)

    phi = dadi.Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T1, nu, nu)
    phi = dadi.Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T2, nuBot, nuBot, m12=eij, m21=eij)

    fs_2D = dadi.Spectrum.from_phi(phi, new_ns, (xx,xx), pop_ids=['sub1','sub2'])
    fs_1D = fs_2D.combine_pops([1,2])
    return fs_1D